lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012


They say that in a very distant time the king decided to walk through his dominions, which included a small village where he lived a miller with his beautiful daughter. By looking for her king, the miller lied to be important: "nice addition, is able to spin straw into gold hilándola with a spinning wheel." King, really happy with this quality of girl, not hesitated and brought him to the palace.
Once in the castle, the king ordered that would lead to the miller's daughter to a room full of straw, where there was also a spinning wheel: "You have until dawn to show me that your father was telling the truth and turn this straw into gold. Otherwise, you will be banished. "

The poor girl wept disconsolately, but here it appeared a dwarf who offered quirky spin straw into gold in exchange for her necklace. The miller's daughter gave the jewel and ... zis-wham, wham-zis, the dwarf who spun straw into gold was turning on the taps, until there was not a blade of straw and the room glowed with gold.
When the king saw the feat, driven by greed, snapped: "See if you can do the same in this room." And he pointed to a larger room full of gold and more than the previous day.
The girl was desperate, believing impossible to accomplish the task but, as the day before, appeared Rumpelstiltskin, "What if you give me to spin the straw into gold?" Asked to be visible. "I have only this ring." Said the maid holding out the ring. "Let us begin," said the dwarf. And zis-wham, wham-zis, all the straw was spun into gold. But the greed of the king had no end, and when he found that his orders had been fulfilled, said: "You will repeat the feat again, if you succeed, I'll make my wife." For he thought that, despite being the daughter of a miller feat never find better woman. One more night girl cried, and again appeared the grotesque dwarf, "What will you give me in return for solving your problem?" He asked, jumping, the girl. "I have more jewels to offer," and thinking that this time was lost, cried uncontrollably. "Well, in that case, give me your first child," claimed the enanillo. Accepted the girl: "Who knows how things will go in the future." - "He said to himself." And as had happened before, was turning straw into gold as the stranger be spun. When the king came into the room, his eyes sparkled even more than the gold he was looking, and summoned his subjects to celebrate the betrothal.
They lived both happy and after one year had a beautiful shoot. The queen had now forgotten the incident with the distaff, straw, gold and the dwarf, and therefore greatly frightened when a night elf jumping appeared claiming their reward.
"Please, dwarf, please now possess wealth, give you everything you want." How can you compare the value of a life with something material? I love your son, "demanded the scruffy dwarf. But both begged and begged the woman who touched the dwarf: "You have three days to figure out what my name if you guess right, I'll let you stay with the child. As much thought and racked her brain the molinerita to find the name of the dwarf, never the correct answer was right.
On the third day, he sent his scouts to search for different names to all corners of the world. Back, one of them told the story of an elf who had been jumping on the door of a small cabin singing:
"Today I drink wine,
morning and beer
then bring the child without fail.
Never break or not the head,
guess Rumpelstiltskin's name! "
When the dwarf became the third night, and asked his own name to the queen, she replied: "Your name is Rumpelstiltskin!"

"No way!" He shouted, "you can not know! He told you the devil! "And so and so great was his anger, which kicked on the ground that left leg buried halfway, and when he tried it out, the dwarf broke in half.

Los pronombres personales

1º Ejemplos
Is he talking to himself?
¿Está hablando solo?

Does she live by herself?
¿Vive sola?

Does the door open itself when someone comes near it?
¿La puerta se abre sola cuando alguien se acerca?

Did you do the homework yourself or did you get help?
¿Hiciste la tarea tú solo o alguien te ayudó?

Are you enjoying yourselves?
¿Se están diviertiendo?
2º ejemplo
1.              That's OK.
2. That house looks newly painted.
3. That girl is new in town.
4. I'm not going to that theater, but rather this one.
5. I'm going to order that meal.
6. I'll take that one.
7. The fact that he's back makes me happy.
8. That's the idea!
9. This is the car that I'm thinking about buying.
10. That sounds like fun!
3º ejemplo

1- I like a lot of fruit, but not pears.
2- My favourite food is pizza and my favourite drink is chocolate milkshake.
3- The cat (it) has got a mouse.
4- The Polar Bear lives in the Artic, it likes the cold!
5- We can see the American Bison at the zoo. They are 2 metres tall and each ones weights is 950 kilograms.
6- You always have lunch at one o'clock, but Georgina doesn't.
7- Do you and your friend like tennis? Yes, we do.
8- She watches sport on TV after school.
9- On Fridays, he goes swimming with his friends.
10- We are waiting for a special bus to Buckingham Palace.
11- Harry is now returning from Manchester.
12- Sally is taking a photo to John. He is standing next to Muhammad Ali in Madame Tussaud's Museum.
13- Yesterday we had a traditional meal in the UK. (United Kingdom)(= Reino Unido)
14- They were walking into the Musseum when the telephone rang.
15- Tomorrow, they will visit Harrods a wellknown store in England.

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012


accountant (akáuntant) - contador
actor (áktor) - actor
actress (áctres) - actriz
announcer (anáunser) - locutor

archaeologist (arkiólodchist) - arqueólogo
architect (árkitekt) - arquitecto
artist (ártist) - artista
astrologer (astrólodcher) - astrólogo

astronaut (ástronot) - astronauta
astronomer (astrónomer) - astrónomo
athlete (azlít) - atleta
attorney (atórni) - abogado

auctioneer (okshoníer) - subastador
auditor (óditor) - auditor
author (ózor) - autor
baby-sitter (béibi-síter) - niñera

baker (béiker) - panadero
bank teller (bánk téler) - cajero de banco
banker (bánker) - banquero
barman (bárman) - barman, mozo

beautician (biutíshan) - esteticista
bell boy (bélbói) - botones de hotel
biologist (baiólodchist) - biólogo
blacksmith (blák smiz) - herrero

bookkeeper (búk-kíper) - perito mercantil
bricklayer (brík léier) - albañil
broker (bróuker) - agente de bolsa
builder (bílder) - constructor

bullfighter (búlfaiter) - torero
bus driver (básdráiver) - conductor de bus
businessman (bísnesman) - empresario
butcher (búcher) - carnicero

butler (bátler) - mayordomo
cameraman (cámera-mán) - camarógrafo
carpenter (cárpenter) - carpintero
cartoonist (cartúunist) - dibujante, caricaturista

cashier (cashíer) - cajero
chef (shef) - chef
chemist (kémist) - químico, farmacéutico
clerk (clérk) - oficinista

coach (cóuch) - entrenador
college professor (cólidch profésor) - profesor universitario
company director (cómpani diréktor) - director de empresa
composer (compóuser) - compositor

computer programmer (kompiúter prougrámer) - programador
conductor (condáktor) - director de orquesta
consultant (consóltant) - consultor
cook (cúk) - cocinero

counselor (cáunselor) - asesor, consultor
cowboy (cáu bói) - vaquero
craftsman (kráfstman) - artesano
cyclist (sáiklist) - ciclista

dancer (dánser) - bailarín
decorator (dékoreitor) - decorador
dentist (déntist) - dentista
designer (disáiner) - diseñador

detective (ditéktiv) - detective
doctor (dóctor) - doctor
dog walker (dog wóker) - paseador de perros
dressmaker (drés méiker) - modista

driver (dráiver) - chofer
economist (ekónomist) - economista
electrician (iléktríshan) - electricista
employee (emploíi) - empleado

engineer (endchiníer) - ingeniero
farmer (fármer) - agricultor
fireman (fáier man) - bombero
fisherman (físherman) - pescador

fishmonger (fishmónguer) - vendedor de pescado
flight attendant (fláit aténdant) - azafata
florist (flórist) - florista
fortune teller (fórchun téler) - adivino

garbage collector (gárdbidch coléktor) - basurero
gardener (gárdener) - jardinero
greengrocer (gríin gróucer) - verdulero
grocer (gróuser) - almacenero

hairdresser (héar-dréser) - peluquero
historian (histórian) - historiador
house painter (háus péinter) - pintor de casas
housekeeper (háus kíiper) - ama de llaves

housewife (háus-uáif) - ama de casa
hunter (hánter) - cazador
instructor (instráktor) - instructor
insurance agent (inshúrans éidchent) - agente de seguros

interpreter (intérpreter) - intérprete
ironmonger (áironmonguer) - ferretero
janitor (dchánitor) - conserje
jeweller (dchúeler) - joyero

journalist (dchérnalist) - periodista
judge (dchádch) - juez
lawyer (lóier) - abogado
lifeguard (láif-gard) - bañero

locksmith (lóksmiz) - cerrajero
magician (madchíshan) - mago
maid (méid) - empleada doméstica
mailman (méilman) - cartero

manager (mánidcher) - gerente
manicurist (manikiúrist) - manicuro
manufacturer (maniufákcherer) - fabricante, industrial
masseur (maséer) - masajista hombre

masseuse (masées) - masajista mujer
mathematician (mazematíshan) - matemático
mechanic (mekánik) - mecánico
milkman (mílkman) - lechero

miner (máiner) - minero
model (módel) - modelo
musician (miusíshan) - músico
newspaper boy (nuspéiper bói) - repartidor de diarios

nun (nan) - monja
nurse (néers) - enfermero/a
ophthalmologist (oftalmólodchist) - oftalmólogo
optician (optíshan) - óptico

orator (órator) - orador
paediatrician (pediatríshan) - pediatra
painter (péinter) - pintor
park ranger (park réindcher) - guardaparques

peasant (pésant) - campesino
pharmacist (fármasist) - farmacéutico
philosopher (filósofer) - filósofo
photographer (fotóugrafer) - fotógrafo

physician (fisíshan) - médico
physicist (físisist) - físico
pianist (píanist) - pianista
pilot (páilot) - piloto

plumber (plámer) - plomero, fontanero
poet (póuet) - poet
police officer (polís ófiser) - agente de policía
policeman (polísman) - policía

politician (politíshan) - político
postman (póustman) - cartero
presenter (prisénter) - presentador
president (président) - presidente

priest (príist) - sacerdote
printer (prínter) - imprentero
programmer (prougrámer) - programador
psychiatrist (saikáiatrist) - psiquiatra

psychologist (saikólodchist) - psicólogo
psychoterapist (saikotérapist) - psicoterapeuta
publisher (páblisher) - editor
receptionist (risépshonist) - recepcionista

reporter (ripórter) - reportero
researcher (risércher) - investigador
sailor (séilor) - marinero
salesclerk (seilsclérk) - vendedor

salesman (séilsman) - vendedor
saleswoman (séilswúman) - vendedora
scientist (sáientist) - científico
sculptor (skálpter) - escultor

seamstress (símstres) - costurera
secret agent (síkret éidchent) - agente secreto
secretary (sécretéri) - secretario/a
security guard (sekiúriti gárd) - guardia de seguridad

servant (sérvant) - criado
shepherd (shépard) - pastor
shoemaker (shúméiker) - zapatero
shopkeeper (shóp kíiper) - comerciante, tendero

singer (sínguer) - cantante
soccer player (sóker pléier) - futbolista
social worker (sóushal uérker) - trabajadora social
soldier (sóuldcher) - soldado

sportsman (spórts-mán) - deportista
state agent (stéit éidchent) - agente inmobiliario
stationer (stéishoner) - librero
statistician (statistíshan) - estadístico

stenographer (stenógrafer) - taquígrafo
stewardess (stúardes) - azafata
stockbrocker (stók-bróuker) - corredor de bolsa
street sweeper (stríit suíper) - barrendero

student (stiúdent) - estudiante
supervisor (súpervaisor) - supervisor
surgeon (sérdchon) - cirujano
tailor (téilor) - sastre

tax inspector (táks inspéktor) - inspector de impuestos
taxi driver (táksi dráiver) - taxista
taylor (téilor) - sastre
teacher (tícher) - maestro

technician (tekníshan) - técnico
telephone operator (télefoun operéitor) - telefonista
tourist guide (túrist gáid) - guía de turistas
translator (transléitor) - traductor

travel agent (trável éídchent) - agente de viajes
truck driver (trók dráiver) - camionero
typist (táipist) - mecanógrafa
undertaker (ander téiker) - funebrero

veterinarian (veterinérian) - veterinario
waiter (wéiter) - camarero
waitress (wéitres) - camarera
watchmaker (wóchméiker) - relojero

welder (wélder) - soldador
worker (wérker) - obrero
writer (ráiter) - escritor